Conatus Energy Performance

We contribute to the energy transition of Europe’s buildings.

Facts and knowledge

Property ownership has long been and is a valuable and safe asset. Two new EU regulations affect the value and can contribute to increasing or decreasing the value of your investment. It is a financial regulatory framework – CSRD – which should favor the most sustainable properties with the best energy performance. The second is an energy regulatory framework, EPBD, which aims to improve properties with the worst energy performance. Here we collect facts and knowledge about what the regulations entail and what it can mean for you as a property owner or investor.


We have collected links to more information about how EU regulations affect the value of your property portfolio, which you may find useful.

Boverkets information om energideklarationer
The Housing Agency’s information on energy declarations, in Swedish.
Here you can see your property’s energy class and read how to calculate energy performance, according to the directive for the energy performance of buildings, EPBD.

EU-kommissionens officiella informationssida om EPBD, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
The EU Commission’s official information page on the EPBD, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Here you can find facts about the directive, about energy use in buildings, the energy performance of buildings and much more.

Fastighetsägarna har sammanställt information om och tolkat kraven i EU-taxonomin (in Swedish)
The organisation “Fastighetsägarna”, the association of the property owners in Sweden, have compiled information about and interpreted the requirements of the EU taxonomy.
“The taxonomy is a framework for sustainable finance consisting of a common language and criteria for classifying which economic activities are environmentally sustainable with the aim of increasing transparency and comparability between different investments.”, they write.

En intressant analys från bankernas perspektiv på EPBD, från ING THINK
An interesting analysis from the banks’ perspective on EPBD, from ING THINK. ING THINK monitors and analyzes trends and economic development in the global market.


If the links do not work for you, you can reach the pages via the menu.

Frågor och svar om hur regelverken påverkar dig som fastighetsägare
Questions and answers about how the regulations affect you as a property owner, in Swedish.

Interview with Markus Wråke , senior advisor at Conatus, about how the global situation affects the energy and real estate sector, in Swedish:
Fastighetsägare kan inte blunda för nya krav

Interview with Johanna Holmberg, investor and property developer, Conatus, about how the property’s energy class affects the value of your property portfolio, in Swedish
Så påverkar fastighetens energiklass värdet på din fastighetsportfölj

Interview with Ulrika Jardfelt , energy specialist, Conatus, about how you as a property owner are affected by the EU’s new energy regulations:
Så påverkas du som fastighetsägare av EU:s nya energiregelverk